Szalonna 30g
Só 30g
Bors 1g
Fokhagyma 1gerezd
Gomba 4 db
Tejföl 50 ml
Liszt 180g
Sertéscomb,vagy sertés karaj 300g
Tojás 2db
Olaj 10ml
Só 30g
Bors 1g
Fokhagyma 1gerezd
Gomba 4 db
Tejföl 50 ml
Liszt 180g
Sertéscomb,vagy sertés karaj 300g
Tojás 2db
Olaj 10ml
A sertésszeleteket klopfoljuk,
fűszerezzük, lisztbe forgatjuk, kevés olajban elősütjük (natúr sütés),
A szalonnát megolvasztjuk, és zsírjában megpirítjuk a
hagymát, amikor megpirult a hagyma,akkor tesszük bele a fokhagymát,kissé megpirítjuk ezt is.
Sózzuk, borsozzuk
meghintjük a fűszerpaprikával, vízzel felhúzzuk.
Tejfölös habarással
besűrítjük és kiforralás után szitán áttörjük.
A gombaszeleteket
megpirítjuk, a kapott mártással egybefőzzük,ami csak az első forrásig tartson,és az elősütött
sertésszeleteket is beletesszük, majd pár percig együtt pároljuk.
A tojásból és
lisztből kemény, apró nokedlit /galuskát/ szaggatunk, és forrón tálaljuk
Elkészítési idő egy óra.
30g fat
1 piece of onion
salt 30g
pepper 1g
1 clove of garlic
Paprika, ground: 1g
Mushroom 4
Sour Cream 50ml
180g of flour
Pork leg or pork chop 300g
with 2 eggs
oil 10ml
The pork chops are grilling, pepper, flour, fry in a little oil (natural baking), set aside.
Melt the lard and fry the onions in lard, when pan fried onions, then put the garlic, fry it a bit as well.
Add salt and pepper to sprinkle with paprika, diluted with a little water.
Sour cream with a little flour added, so be prepared for scrambling, to thicken and after kiforralás mash sieve.
Of course, even with the food starch thicken, but slightly different so you will have all the food is to its taste.
The mushroom slices in oil to braise, the resulting sauce cook together, which can only hold the first source, and the pre-fried pork slices are placed in, and simmer together for a few minutes.
The hard eggs, and flour, tiny dumplings / noodles / choppers, and we serve hot meals.
Lead time is one hour.
30g fat
1 piece of onion
salt 30g
pepper 1g
1 clove of garlic
Paprika, ground: 1g
Mushroom 4
Sour Cream 50ml
180g of flour
Pork leg or pork chop 300g
with 2 eggs
oil 10ml
The pork chops are grilling, pepper, flour, fry in a little oil (natural baking), set aside.
Melt the lard and fry the onions in lard, when pan fried onions, then put the garlic, fry it a bit as well.
Add salt and pepper to sprinkle with paprika, diluted with a little water.
Sour cream with a little flour added, so be prepared for scrambling, to thicken and after kiforralás mash sieve.
Of course, even with the food starch thicken, but slightly different so you will have all the food is to its taste.
The mushroom slices in oil to braise, the resulting sauce cook together, which can only hold the first source, and the pre-fried pork slices are placed in, and simmer together for a few minutes.
The hard eggs, and flour, tiny dumplings / noodles / choppers, and we serve hot meals.
Lead time is one hour.
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